Creating a healthier, happier you.
Did you know that your gut is the center of your immune system? Your gut is home to your serotonin response, which is your “feel good” hormone. It’s linked to your brain, skin, and your hormone levels. This means that your gut could be the root cause of your chronic bloating, skin issues, brain fog, inability to lose weight, headaches, eczema, constipation and so much more.
Having a balanced gut microbiome is incredibly important to your overall health. Read on to learn about the seven signs of an unhealthy gut and best ways to improve your gut health.
- Upset stomach
Issues like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even heartburn could point to an unhealthy gut. A balanced gut will not have any of these issues because healthy guts process food correctly.
- Intense sugar cravings
Processed foods and added sugars will feed the “bad” bacteria in your gut. Too much sugar can lead to an increase in your sugar cravings, which can damage your gut even more.
Refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup, have been linked to increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation can cause all sorts of issues, like autoimmune disorders and gas, bloating, etc.
- Unintentional weight changes
Gaining weight without making changes to your diet or your exercise habits can be a sign of an unhealthy gut. An imbalance in your gut can impair your body's ability to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and store fat.
You can even have unexplained weight loss that might be caused if you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or called SIBO.
On the other end, if you are gaining weight, it might be caused by your insulin resistance. You may overeat because you've decreased your nutrient absorption. If you are deficient in vitamins and minerals, then your body can’t effectively absorb the nutrients in your food. This can lead to even more intense sugar cravings.
Either way, you can support your gut by taking digestive enzymes with each meal. They are designed to help your body to absorb nutrients effectively.
- Sleep disturbances or constant fatigue
If you're not sleeping well at night, you're going to feel fatigued during the day. An unhealthy gut can contribute to insomnia and chronic fatigue. This happens because the majority of the body's serotonin, which is the hormone that affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut.
- Skin conditions
Skin conditions like eczema can be related to a damaged gut. When you have inflammation in the gut, it's usually caused by a poor diet or food allergies. An increase of "leaking" of certain proteins out into the body is what irritates the skin and causes skin conditions like eczema.
Many don't realize that eczema can be healed by fixing their gut health and adjusting the foods that they're eating. Topical creams or steroids can actually make the problem worse.
If you focus on fixing your gut microbiome and avoiding foods that cause inflammation, then you can heal your skin from the inside out!
- Autoimmune conditions
Researchers continue to find new evidence that your gut is connected to your immune system. As an unhealthy gut worsens, you may experience systematic inflammation. This will alter the proper functioning of your immune system. Eventually this can lead to autoimmune diseases where the body starts attacking itself, instead of the harmful invaders.
Having an unhealthy gut for a very long time can be dangerous. It’s so important to take care of your gut to prevent autoimmune diseases.
- Food intolerances
Food intolerances are the result of difficulty digesting certain foods. This is different from a food allergy, which is caused by an immune system reaction to certain foods.
Food intolerances might be caused by poor quality of bacteria in the gut. Then this can lead to difficulty digesting trigger foods; like gluten and dairy. Food intolerances can cause symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
There is even evidence that food allergies might also be related to gut health.
Now that you know the signs that your gut health is off, let's talk about the seven ways you can heal your gut:
- Lower your stress levels. Stress releases toxins that lead to cravings and overeating. These toxins also cause inflammation.
- Get enough sleep, at least seven to eight hours. Sleep deprivation leads to changes in the gut microbiome.
- Eat slowly. Sit down and chew your food thoroughly.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water.
- Take a prebiotic and a probiotic. Check out BodyByBree supplements for gut health supplements.
- Check for food intolerances. If you have symptoms like cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, or diarrhea, then you may be having some type of reaction to the food you’re eating.
- Change your diet. Start reducing the amount of processed, high-sugar and highly refined foods that you're eating. This will make all the difference. Try to get more protein, veggies, fiber, all of the healthy fats.
Implementing these tips can make all the difference in your gut health, and ultimately will affect how you feel every day! Healing your gut is a huge part of creating the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

I'm a mom of 4 and have been a certified personal trainer with specialties in pre- and postnatal fitness for 13 years. I'm also a certified nutrition specialist and certified meditation and mindfulness coach.
I am passionate about helping women change their lifestyles to be the healthiest, happiest versions of themselves and I've seen it happen for thousands of women.
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Movement. We know that moving your body makes your feel good and function better! Let use help you gain confidence and strength in your body.
Nutrition. Health starts from the inside out. We believe that balance and sustainability are best practices for achieving success in a healthy relationship with food.
Mindset. In focusing on your holistic health, we know the powerful effect mindset has your health and wellness. Learn techniques and practices to that ground you in habits for overall well-being.
Don't know where to start?

Use this FREE 18 page resource to start healing your gut health with education, recipes, and more!
FREE GUT HEALTH GUIDENeed support in healing and maintain your gut health?

The BodyByBree Digestive Enzymes and Probiotic were developed to work together in supporting a healthy gut.
GUT HEALTH BUNDLELooking for delicious and balanced meals?

Nourish recipes are designed to provide delicious gut-friendly recipes for individuals and families looking for balance in the kitchen.

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