
8 Week Coaching Programs include our 50-page Coaching Workbook that will be automatically emailed to you after purchase.

PLEASE NOTE** The 8 Week Classic Program will not include any messaging or accountability check-ins. If you do want two-way communication through the app, please purchase the full 8 Week VIP Program.

The BodyByBree 8 Week Training Programs help you literally transform from the inside out. Why does it work? Because each week of the program is intentionally structured to help you take a holistic approach to improving your overall health. I give you the tools to develop mentally and physically to create a lasting lifestyle change! Ready to get started?

This program is only offered to female clients.   

See full details below.

All Included




Meal Plan





Screenshot of BodyByBree workout app

Feel Better

8 Week CLASSIC Program Includes:

  • 24/7 access to the BodyByBree App accessing daily workouts.
  • One-way communication through the app.
  • Self check-ins to make sure you are staying on track for your goals.
  • 7 days of educational videos to start your program with confidence.
  • Weekly mental health exercises and guided visualization meditations.
  • Enneagram typing to help you make the most of your specific strengths and overcome your unique struggles.
  • Option of beginners or advanced workouts.
  • Home or gym workouts.
Screenshot of BodyByBree workout app

Eat Well

7-Day Customized Meal Plan Includes:

  • Customized macro count according to your height, weight, age, and overall goals.
  • Meal Plan allergy options: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten/Dairy Free, Vegetarian.
  • Comprehensive breakdown of what to eat for every meal and snack including macro totals.
  • Recipes that match your macros.
Screenshot of BodyByBree app with meal plan


I liked that there were several support systems in place to help me be successful - the Zoom calls, the group chat, FAQ tab on the program guide, podcasts, and personal chats, as well as designating a support person at home. All of these things helped set me up for success and I never felt like I was left on my own.

Screenshot of BodyByBree workout app

Get fit

Equipment Needed if You Select Home Workouts:

  • One medium free weight (5lb-15lb). weight set that is challenging for you.
  • A bench is also great but not required. You could use something else like a piano bench, stair, sturdy chair etc.
  • Some moves include a yoga ball, disc sliders and booty bands to add variety and enhance the moves. You can find my favorite fitness equipment and accessories HERE. Grab yours now!
  • If you do not want to get the disc sliders or booty bands that is okay too, I have modifications listed.
Screenshot of BodyByBree workout app


Get the VIP Program with two-way support, coaching to your personality, bi-weekly check-ins and progress reviews.

Click here to view

*After purchasing, you will receive an email to complete a new client questionnaire.

*This program can be redeemed within 12 months of purchase. If you are wanting to redeem at a later point, no problem! However, it is the client's responsibility to contact the BBB Team via email (hello@bodybybree.com) for further instruction.

Customer Reviews

Based on 183 reviews
Sarah P (Stafford, US)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Awesome Program

I would highly recommend Bree’s program! I’ve been doing the at home workouts and this is my first time tracking Macros. She makes everything easy to understand and I’m so happy with the progress I’ve made!

Macy S. (Dayton, US)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Best program

This program is amazing! I love the way Bree and her team incorporates workouts with nutrition with mindfulness. The way that she is helping you build good habits that are lasting is priceless! I am excited to keep using these tips even after the challenge.

Shannon Lyon (Lehi, US)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Really well rounded program

I have loved this program. Of course the emphasis on fitness is there, but you're also given the education and skills to make working out and eating balanced and healthy a lifestyle, not just a "while I'm in the program" thing. I am completely happy with my results and the lifestyle I have started living.

Chelsy Pruett (Riverton, US)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)


Vinca (Tower Hamlets, GB)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
This changed my life.

A +2 years client here 🙋🏻‍♀️
Having a support system such as Bree and her team plus all the women joining the movement is really uplifting and refreshing. 👯‍♀️ It has helped me to change my lifestyle where my well-being is on the first place. I benefit from the program in so many ways I can’t describe enough. I’m mentally stronger, I know what to do when I feel down, when I lack motivation - which since I’ve started I barely lack and at the very least I walk or join some yoga class to move my body a bit. 🧘🏻‍♀️
Being mentally stronger has helped me in my every day life, in my business, with my family. 💆🏻‍♀️
I know exactly what I eat, what I need to eat in specific situations, I’m perfectly aware of what I put in my mouth matters. 🥑🍅🍗🍣🍝🥥🍨
At the gym I’ve learnt so many exercises, I’ve learnt the importance to grow my muscles it’s not related to become a body builder at all! 🏋🏻‍♀️
This program has upgraded my life❣️