Welcome to your BodyByBree Continuation Program! We are so proud of you for committing to your healthy habits. During your continuation program your workouts will change every two weeks and you will go through different phases every few weeks to keep you engaged and progressing.


Time to celebrate! When you reach 3, 6, and 12 months of continuous training (woohoo!!) you get to choose between a discounted continuation month or supplement. 


BUILDING STRENGTH  Drop sets programmed to help you see your potential with lifting.
LEANING OUT  Designed to help you really push your endurance and get lean.
CHALLENGE MONTHS  Get 50% OFF one month of continuation training or any single supplement by completing your BodyByBree Continuation Challenge. You will have weekly strength and mental challenges to complete during this phase.

If you would like to change your plan communication or workout plan type
(for example, going from independent training to check-ins or home to gym)
please fill out THIS form and your program will be updated within 48 hours.